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Brett has been in my dreams a lot these days.


I dreamed that we were all in Japan together. While everyone was trying to decide where to go, Brett knew exactly where he wanted to go in his limited time. In my dream, I was also determined to show him my favorite paths to take a walk in my hometown.


Brett is my dear friend and my bandmate. He is someone who changed my outlook on life. A person who writes beautiful songs. Someone who has big heart to offer.


On stage, the feeling I got when we were jamming and making eye contact, we all trusted each other. I loved the moments of being backstage before a performance more than the actual performance. When we were excitedly waiting for our cue, tuning strings, and laughing over trivial things.


Those days were like riding on a magic carpet. I always thought that if the world was going to end tomorrow, I would want to spend my last night around the campfire, playing our instruments, just like the summer tour to North Dakota. 


Colorful icicles, sunflower seed snacks, cheep beers, the mandolin, his long eyelashes, his posture… I wanted to paint with all my cells focused on my fingertips, feeling him. To me, his color is orange. 


Something Brett used to say to me. 

“Just, have fun with it!”

It's simple, but it took me this long to get to the point. But now it is a pillar of my way of being. It is my motto. I love you Brett! 

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